Hey,我是草婷,Android性能优化工程师 , 西南交通大学 · 信号与系统 研究生。目前任职于TCL通讯科技上海分公司。
2016年,我终于建立了自己的个人blog,这对我来说是一件很有意义的事情。工作这么多年,我有很多经验知识想跟大家 一起分享,有了它,我才真正有了个属于自己的平台。在以后的日子里,我会一点点地将这些年和未来积累地知识在这里分享 希望有更多的人可以看到,如果有人能因此受益,这真是一件太值得让我开心的事了。
Android Senior Developer.
Sin today, repent tomorrow, it's stupid!
Nice to meet you~
Hi, Here is Cao Ting (草婷),another nickname Cwgoover. I'm Android developer & designer who is loving to build Android application such as Systrace tool and more (Github 👉 ). I studied Signal and Information Processing system at Southwest Jiaotong University class of 2008.
As a developer, I work at Shanghai branch of (TCL Communication Technology Holdings Limited) as the Android senior developer.
In this blog, I wish I can share my knowledge and experience with many people, If there is anything that can help someone, it's a very lovely thing for me.